30 November 2009

dolL * 40 - perhapS

she's afraid of nothing
he is the courage that live her life
she's juz afraid of his refusal again
which dropped her to the deepest
she trust him
for who he is
and believed herself really miss him
so much unexpectedly
cause everything he does and words he says
it all takes her breath away
and now she's left with nothing

when he walked away
she thought of him and whispered
"everything's okay"
when she saw the seaweed soup on the table
she's now believing
she cares
if everything of him is okay
if he has enough rest
if he takes care of himself well
maybe it's true
she can't live without him
maybe two is better than one

maybe she's not the priority
but she wishes she could be the one he saw
at the end of a tiring working day
juz to accompany him by his side
sharing stories of the day
how adorable it would be

28 November 2009

dolL * 39 - lockeD

it's was 2 months ago
when she last saw him at the party
same black and white checkers shirt
wearing on both of them
they were quiet in the crowds
till the moment before she left
her night was brighten
when their line of sights met

he looked sallow
she hopes he doesn't overload himself
still there is someone worry for him
friends said it's a happiness thing to be with him
but why their story doesn't carry on smoothly
like the fairy tales that she read

the nights he came into her dream
the moment her tears dropped

she knew that her heart still remained for him
she wished to stay in the dream
stay in the flash been with him
stay in his warm hugz
his existence drove her the energy to move on
turned into a doll that can be with him all the time
feeling want to stay in his world
though she knew it's hard in real
her heart is locked
he is the key
to unlock the chain

07 November 2009

dolL * 38 - tearS

she thought that she is numb
she fake a smile so he won't see
been trying hard
overlapping herself with endless works
in her heart
looks filled, yet an empty space was left out
it's all just an illusion
that cheating other people
and herself

she looks like normal as usual
but once a single click that reminds her of him
it melted..

when she found out that was him
the missing piece of puzzle in her life
knowing that he's exhausted of his work
her tears juz dropped itself on her face
realized that she still love him

her mind is blank at the moment
she hopes that he is doing well
with her unspoken wishes
she wonders if he knows
he's the reason for the tear drops on her guitar
the only thing tat keeps her wishing on a wishing star
the only one who's got enough of her to break her heart
he's the song leading her into her dream
he's the time taken but there's never enough
she doesn't know why she does
she's going to get some sleep tonight
nothing gonna change